
The Curator is the quarterly newsletter of Centerville-Washington History. Older editions are now being added on this page. Next to each link, articles about specific locations/buildings/or people from the local area featured in the edition will be noted in parenthesis. Of course each edition reports on the events and happenings of the organization.

Members recieve a newsletter every quarter in the mail. Join today!


  • Spring '23 (Benham's Grove; 30 N. Main St - Craig's Barber Shop; Edith Walton Deeds; Tom Stoltz)
  • Summer '23 (Jean Simpson remembered; 63 W. Franklin St. joined with 57-59 W. Franklin St.)
  • Fall '23 (Clarence Magsig; Chicken House behind Walton House moved- again)
  • Winter '23 (Donna Clark remembered; Director Cheryl Meyer resigns)