
A Sense of Centerville & Washington Township


Bringing you the stories of ordinary and extraordinary residents and places in the Centerville and Washington Township area. Hosted by Susan Melville from the staff of Centerville-Washington History.

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Al Price, a retired engineer, uses his hobby—metal detecting —to find historical artifacts. He has been interested in metal detecting for over twenty years. He has created many educational display cases from his local finds, which he has donated to Centerville-Washington History. He does extensive research to discover the significance of the artifacts. Beyond metal detecting, Al is also interested in researching his family's history. (Interviewed by Susan Melville - recorded by Miami Valley Communications Council in February 2025.
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  • Season 4, Episode 2: Guest Mayor Brooks Compton
    Honorable Mayor Brooks Compton has lived in Centerville with his wife Ruth since 1979. They raised two sons in Centerville. Brooks Compton has been an attorney and involved in local government for over 40 years. His parents were active in politics with his father serving on the Kettering City Council. He became the mayor of the City of Centerville in 2016. (Interview by Susan Melville in January 2025)
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Carol Kennard worked at the Centerville-Washington Park district for almost 33 years. She started in 1982 as a program coordinator and eventually became the first program director, introducing popular programs such as Hidden Meadows and Winter Woods Day Camps. From 1997 to 2014 she served as director of the park district. During her tenure, many new parks were acquired and features such as the Nature Nook, skate park, dog park, and an all-access playground were added. The Nature Nook on McEwan is named after Carol due to her contributions to the park district. John has also been involved in the community as a GM retiree, Centerville Schools bus driver, and a regular volunteer for both the park district and Centerville-Washington History.
(Interviewed by Susan Melville in October 2024 - recorded by Miami Valley Communications Council)
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Alex and Jane Pearl have been residents of Centerville for 37 years. Growing up in New York, they came to the area when Alex had a job opportunity. The area became their permanent home as they became involved in the community. Alex currently serves as one of the commissioners to the Centerville Washington Park District. Jane is an avid genealogist. Jane and Alex both volunteer with Dayton History at Carillon Park and they recently became members of Centerville-Washington History. (Interviewed by Susan Melville - recorded October 2024)
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Janet Treadway and Stephanie Treadway are the daughters of Frank and Inez Treadway who started Treadway Gardens in Washington Township. Frank worked at NCR for over 30 years. He gardened to help pay for his children’s college education beginning in 1969. While Frank worked in the fields, Inez worked mostly behind the scenes. Stephanie owns the family business today and has helped run the market operations since 1987. Janet also grows a large garden and cans 70 pints of salsa in the fall. This land once belonged to Ethel Winterhalter, the first female trustee of Washington Township.
(Interviewed by Susan Melville - recorded September 2024)
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Jim McCutcheon is well known throughout the region as the Guitar Man. He plays a variety of fretted instruments and hosts a local radio program featuring guitar music. He holds a B.S. in Physics and a master’s degree in music education. Jim has an extensive resume of contributions to the world of music throughout the Dayton area. In 2017 he received the Governor’s Award for the Arts. Jim is the co-owner of McCutcheon Music Studios in Centerville.
(Interviewed by Susan Melville - recorded August 2024 in cooperation with Miami Valley Communications Council)
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Brady Kress is the President and CEO of Dayton History. Dayton History owns the 65-acre Carillon Park and several other buildings and historical attractions in the Dayton area. Brady worked at Carillon Park as a seasonal guide for five years as a teen. Kress holds a BA in Political Science from Wright State University. In 2023, the Centerville-Washington Foundation recognized him for his contributions to the local community. He and his family live in Washington Township.
(Interviewed by Susan Melville - recorded August 2024 in cooperation with Miami Valley Communications Council)
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Lauren Miller was awarded the 2024 CWH scholarship. She participated in many extracurricular activities, including Key Club, American Sign Language Club, Band, and the Circle of Friends. She was the co-founder and President of the Psychology Club. Lauren was an active volunteer throughout high school, volunteering at the hospital, at church, and with Centerville-Washington History as a teen volunteer. She likes to read, write, crochet, and play guitar in her free time. She is attending Ohio State University this fall majoring in molecular genetics.
(Interview by Susan Melville - recorded June 2024 in cooperation with Miami Valley Communications Council) 
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Sande Heck served as a police officer in Centerville for 30 years. For the past 18 years, he has served the city as the zoning and code enforcement inspector. Officer Edward Skinner is currently the community relations officer for the Centerville Police Department. In this episode, Heck and Skinner discuss how the police department has changed since Centerville became a city.
(Interview by Susan Melville - recorded June 2024 in cooperation with Miami Valley Communications Council) 
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Dale Berry was a Washington Township Trustee from 2008 through 2023. A real estate professional, Berry used that training in his role as a member of the zoning commission. Berry, also represented Washington Township serving on the board at Centerville-Washington History for over a decade. Before retiring, he was the teacher coordinator of Kettering Fairmont High School’s vocational program. He has been a township resident since 1973. He earned a business administration degree from Miami University.
(Interview by Susan Melville - recorded April 2024 in cooperation with Miami Valley Communications Council)
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Megan Sparks has been a school board member for Centerville City Schools since January 2018. She has a master’s degree in education and a bachelor’s degree in human ecology from the Ohio State University. As a second-generation Elk and a mother to 5 children, Megan has learned to work hard and stand up for her values and beliefs. On the board, she serves as the Legislative Liaison. She advocates for families with special needs and serves in numerous volunteer roles.  

(Interviewed by Susan Melville - recorded April 2024 in cooperation with Miami Valley Communications Council) 
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Steve Huff is in his 34th year of teaching in the Centerville City Schools. For the last 11 years he has been a 4th grade teacher at Stingley, but before that, he served as the director of the Grant Nature Center. In addition to being parents to four children, Steve and his wife Nancy have been foster parents to 45 youths over the past ten years. Spending time outside has always been important to Steve and his family; they have wonderful memories of hiking, camping, fishing, and exploring together. In 2022 he received the OUTstanding Teacher Award from Five Rivers MetroParks for his efforts to connect students to nature.
(Interviewed by Susan Melville - recorded April 2024) 
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Liz Fultz is the Director at the Washington-Centerville Public Library. She began her career at the library in 1996 in the Reference Department and held various roles before becoming the Director in 2019. Liz has a Master of Library Science degree from the University of Kentucky and a Bachelor of Business degree from Morehead State University. She is a member of the Centerville Noon Optimists and resides in Washington Township with her husband and two children. (Interviewed by Susan Melville - recorded February 2024) Watch on YouTube

Ed Ross is a retired businessman and is the current president of Centerville-Washington History. He has served as the Chairman of the Centerville Board of Architectural Review and is the current owner of the historic Arthur & Ida Weller estate. 
(Interviewed by Susan Melville - recorded February 2024) Watch on YouTube


David Warren McDaniel was born December 7, 1938, in Portland, Indiana, a small Midwestern community. He helped with chores in his family’s grocery store and was interested in biology and sports. Dave played football in College where he chose teaching as his profession. After he got married he moved to the area and met Hadley Watts, superintendent of Centerville City Schools. He began as one of the coaches for the Centerville High School football team. Later Dave became the principal of Centerville High School from 1973-2001, the longest tenure as a principal. After his retirement, he joined the staff of Sinclair Community College. He and his wife Jane are the parents of three children.
(Interviewed by Susan Melville - recorded November 2023) Watch on YouTube

Season 2, Episode 11: Guest Mark Metzger
Mark grew up in Wooster, Ohio and came to Dayton to attend Wright State University to study Theatre Directing and Management. This led to employment in 1996 to provide programming to the newly renovated Washington Township Town Hall Theatre. In 2016, Mark became the recreation director for the Township, where he oversees Town Hall Theatre along with a wide variety of activities, programs and facilities that make up the RecPlex. He and his family moved to Washington Township in 2022 to be closer to Incarnation elementary and the RecPlex. (Recorded October 2023)

Season 2, Episode 10: Guest Anna Weller
Anna Weller is a recent graduate of Centerville High School and also Centerville-Washington History's 2023 scholarship winner. While in high school, Anna participated in National Honor Society, Elk Connectors, varsity soccer, Lunch Buddies and the Swim and dive team. Anna is attending The University of Dayton in the fall and majoring in Education.  (Recorded August 2023)

Season 2, Episode 9: Guest Joellen Ulliman
Joellen Ulliman has been the Curator for Centerville-Washington History for over 6 years. Prior to that, she was a language arts teacher for 23 years in Waynesville. Joellen has lived in Centerville for over 25 years. She loves spending time with her husband, two grown children, and three grandchildren. In her free time, Joellen loves to hike, read and stay fit. (Recorded August 2023)

Season 2, Episode 8: Guest Kristen Marks
Kristen Marks is the Executive Director for the Centerville-Washington Park District. She has been with the Park District since 2002 when she began as the Park’s naturalist. In addition, she is the former president of the Ohio Park and Recreation Association and a member of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club. Founded in 1959 as the Washington Township Park District, the Centerville-Washington Park District currently operates 8 community parks, 9 nature parks, and 34 neighborhood parks. (Recorded June 2023)

Season 2, Episode 7: Guest Wayne Markworth
Wayne Markworth was Director of Bands at Centerville High School for 35 years. He developed the marching band, known nationally as "The Centerville Jazz Band", into a unique and entertaining ensemble that performed an all-jazz format on the field. In 1992 they were the Grand National Champions. Wayne is an active clinician, adjudicator, arranger, trumpet performer, and president of the music & consulting business, Shadow Lake Music. He also currently serves as adjunct faculty at Wright State University. (Recorded June 2023)

Season 2, Episode 6: Guest Vickie Bondi
Vickie was Executive Director of Centerville-Washington History for over 14 years. She began as a volunteer and joined the staff as a museum assistant and later became Walton House Site Manager and administrative coordinator. To help promote local history, Vickie built collaborations within the community. In 2016 Vickie guided a rebranding of the organization by changing the name from Centerville Washington Township Historical Society to Centerville-Washington History. She retired in 2019, after 24 years with the organization, to spend more time with her grandchildren. (Recorded May 2023)

Season 2, Episode 5: Guest Rajeev and Surender Goel
Rajeev Goel is a local Technology entrepreneur who co-founded AccuFit Solutions, Inc. He has been involved in the community through Science Olympiad and more recently, The Centerville Education Foundation.  Rajeev is a Centerville High School graduate and son of Surender Goel, originally from New Delhi, India. Surender moved to the United States to attend graduate school at UC Berkley in Industrial Engineering.  He moved to the Dayton area in 1969 and to Centerville in 1979. (Recorded April 2023)

Season 2, Episode 4: Guest David Meyer, PhD
Dr David Meyer was raised in a large family on a farm in Northern Ohio, served in the Vietnam War in the US Air Force veteran, and earned the title of Professional Engineer.  He has taught at The Ohio State University, The University of Dayton, and is a Professor Emeritus of Sinclair Community College. In 2020 Dave was honored as an inductee into the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame. (Recorded March 2023)
See Dave's talk from Veterans Day 2023

Season 2, Episode 3: Guest Brian Forschner
Brian was the co-founder and first executive director of St. Leonard Center and subsequently President of Mercy Senior Health and Housing Services. He is a fourth generation Daytonian and married to wife, Joyce for 50 years. Brian has a PhD from OSU and is an author, photographer and runner. Listen as Brian shares the history of St Leonard’s. (Recorded February 2023)

Season 2, Episode 2: Guest Terry Obrien
Terry Obrien grew up in Centerville, Ohio. He is a local entrepreneur who owns Trilevel Records and Video, helping Dayton artists write and produce music.  He helps to promote local history through his Facebook page, Centerville, Ohio Nostalgia, and he serves on the board of Centerville-Washington History. (Recorded January 2023)

Season 2, Episode 1: Guest Sam McLain
Sam, 2023 graduate of Centerville High School, was Student Council President, a three-time state qualifier in debate, and past president of the STAGE club. He sang in FORTE, Centerville’s premier Accapella group,  and appeared in multiple stage productions. He was a commended National Merit Scholar and planned to attend Northwestern University. (Recorded January 2023)



Season 1, Episode 10: Guest Lisa Elam Tucker
Lisa Elam Tucker, co-owner of Bill's Donuts along with her brother, shares about the history and current operations of this iconic Centerville business. Her parents, Bill and Faye Elam founded Bill's Donut Shop in 1960 in downtown Dayton.  (Recorded November 2022)

Season 1, Episode 9: Guest Richard Diaz
Richard Diaz works as a Community Coordinator at Miami Valley Communications Council (MVCC). Founded in 1975, MVCC is a municipal communications and technology organization representing eight communities in the area including Centerville.   (Recorded November 2022)

Season 1, Episode 8: Guest Bill Gaul
Bill Gaul, retired Washinton Township Fire Department Chief, shares about his life in the local area having moved here when he was a student at Tower Heights Middle school. Bill joined the Washington Township Fire department as a volunteer firefighter in May 1979. After nearly 40 years of service to the department, including 11 years as chief, Bill retired in 2018.  (Recorded October 2022)

Season 1, Episode 7: Guest Laura Zipes
Laura Zipes is Centerville-Washington History's 2022 scholarship winner.  (Recorded August 2022)

Season 1, Episode 6: Guest Janet Watkins Black
Janet Watkins Black, a 6th-generation Washington Township resident, shares about growing up with her parents and grandparents on a 180-acre farm near Sheehan and Nutt Road. Janet taught 3rd grade for the Centerville School district and then worked at St Leonard Senior Living Community as an activity coordinator. (Recorded August 2022)

Season 1, Episode 5: Guest Charlotte Melville
Seventeen-year-old Charlotte shares her experience living through the pandemic, growing up in Centerville, and her memories of Centerville-Washington History's Summer Youth Programs. (Recorded June 2022)

Season 1, Episode 4: Guest Martha Boice
Martha tells Susan about her interest in the early stone buildings of Centerville and the process of discovering the stories that we read about in the book, "A Sense of Place."  Her passion for the buildings helped to preserve them for future generations to enjoy and learn about history! (Recorded May 2022)

Season 1, Episode 3: Guests Roy and Sue Turton
Susan talks with Roy and Sue Turton, Washington Township natives, classmates, and soulmates. The Turtons graduated from Centerville High School in 1953 and raised their family on a little plot of land near Rooks Road. (Recorded April 2022)

Season 1, Episode 2: Guest Robert Thobaben
Susan inverviews Robert Thobaben, a long-time Centerville resident, who recalls the start of World War II and describes his role in the 111th Infantry in the Pacific Theater. He talks about his career as a professor at Wright State University and his opportunity to travel throughout the world. (Recorded March 2022)

Season 1, Episode 1: Guest Jerry Strange
Susan talks to Jerry Strange, Trustee of Centerville-Washington History about his move to Centerville in the early 1960s and what life was like during that time. Jerry was a professor at the University of Dayton for 40 years and has connections with the Centerville Diversity Council, Normandy Church, and Centerville-Washington History. (Recorded March 2022)